Produced by the first unripe olives harvested by hand without threshing and follow the same careful process of production of extra virgin olive oil.
It presents a rich, strong smell and a distinctive fruity, spicy and bitter taste.
It is even richer in vitamins C and E, omega-3, omega-6, omega-9 fatty acids and other antioxidants. All this gives it more high nutritional value.
- Tanktrucks specific for the transportation of edible oil.
- Flexitank ( in a container ) specific for the transportation of edible oil.
- In barrels specific for the transportation of edible oil.
From the moment an olive oil is beign bottled it should be consumed in 12 months. When the olive oil is beign bottled in tins it can be consumed in 18 months.
The olive oil should be kept in dark glass bottles due to the fact that glass is a stable and aggregate material. The dark colour is necessary for the olive oil because if it kept in light its quality can be ruined. The olive oil should be kept in a dark cool place.